Richard Dolan, the CEO of Life Rich Corp. & Chief Academic Designer for RICH U has designed an educative initiative for women in honour and memory of his late mother, Bebi.

What is The RICH Ladies™ Scholarship Initiative?
Dolan has initiated The RICH Ladies™ Scholarship Initiative for one-hundred (100) human beings that identify as a women, looking to engage, participate in and leverage fully the entire RICH Curricula valued at ten-thousand ($10,000 USD). The RICH Ladies™ Scholarship Initiative is valued at one-million ($1M USD) dollars, as it will be reserved for (100) successful applicant participants who will learn how to:
people using Rich’s methodologies, tools and technologies;
to audiences one to one, one to few or one to many;
people in life and leadership with power and;
with power, grace and ease.
How long is The RICH Ladies™ Scholarship Initiative?
There are two (2) phases of The RICH Ladies™ Scholarship Initiative, they include:

Learning and academia and;

Understanding of marketing and selling yourself and your offerings (or RICH’s)
What is the learning curve / journey for The RICH Ladies™ Scholarship Initiative?
Participants in The RICH Ladies™ Scholarship Initiative will:
Learn the fundamentals of RICH Advisor, including getting clear and confident in Self Identity, Liveability Futurability and Performability.
Learn the MORE Curricula,
understanding how to generate more Money, wealth and worth for people along with more Omnipresence, Results and Entrepreneurial excellence.
Learn and become accredited in Financial Life Planning and Advisory (FLP™),understanding confidently the importance of Financial Life Preparedness, Focus, Intentionality and Plan.
The RICH Curricula for The RICH Ladies™ Scholarship Initiative
Complete Curriculum: $10,000 USD

What is the application process for The RICH Ladies™ Scholarship Initiative?
We are seeking one-hundred (100) human beings that identify as a woman. The cue for applications opens Saturday, March 19th 2022 at 10am EST and closes on April 23rd 2022.
The application requires answers to the following questions:
Provide your general infoname, contact info and home city/country.
Tell us about yourselfWhat are your life circumstances, describe where you are in life, leadership and in your pursuits for more.
Share with us your social footprintwhat are your social media handles, number of followers and frequency of use for each.
Define your commitment to the scholarshipshare the kind of time, energy and effort you are willing to commit to completing the program and applying what you will learn.
Share with us your plans post-participationwhat do you hope to achieve in your life upon graduating from this program? Personally, professionally, financially and spiritually (to name a few).
Requirements for successfully accepted participants (100)
The three requirements of participating under the Scholarship is:
Participationfully engage and where not possible, fully communicate
Commitmentto post, share and advocate your learning curve
Admin/Tech Fee at $99 monthly, as it covers the minimal cost of access to technology, support and newly published materials monthly. *There is no contract, or obligation should the Scholarship not meet your expectations or needs
How long must a participant in The RICH Ladies™ Scholarship Initiative pay the admin/tech fee?
For the duration of the students’ participation in the program. Upon graduation, there is no requirement to remain a subscriber, however there are some restrictions and requirements of membership.

I am on a mission to cause and create one thousand millionaires by 2025.
I will fulfill this by providing motivation, education and programs to equip, empower and embolden those looking to powerfully shift their relationship with money, wealth and worth - and live a Great Financial Life; one that is whole, complete and performing.
- Richard Dolan
Richard is a seven-figure earning coach, mentor, author, and speaker. He produces thought leadership on the conditions for optimizing human performance derived from research areas such as performance psychology, neuroscience, happiness economics and investor resilience and applies it to human beings obsessed with results such as entrepreneurs, workplace leaders, global brands and investors.