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Ambassador Program Commission Schedule

This Ambassador Program Commission Schedule (“Schedule”) is part of the Operating Agreement that governs your participation in the RICH Ambassador Program. This Schedule describes the referral fee rates you may earn as a subscriber in the Program. It also describes the limitations that apply to earning advertising fees on certain Products.

From time to time, we may modify this Schedule in accordance with the RICH Ambassador Operating Agreement. All capitalized terms used below that are not defined on this page have the meanings given to them in the Operating Agreement.

During each calendar month, you may earn referral fees for Qualifying Purchases. Most referral fees are calculated as a percentage of Qualifying Revenues based on the tables below and are subject to the limitations described in the “Limitations on referral Fee Rates for Certain Products” section below. We also may offer referral fees in the form of bounties or other special offers as described in the “Special Offers and Promotions” section below. “Qualifying Revenues” mean amounts we receive from customers’ Qualifying Purchases, excluding shipping, handling, and giftwrapping fees, taxes, and service charges, and less any rebates, credit card processing fees, returns, and bad debt.

The Program’s standard referral fee structure is described in Table 1. The referral fee rates you may earn will vary depending on the category of Products that are shipped, streamed, or downloaded (as applicable) in a given calendar month that constitute Qualifying Purchases. We will determine the classification of Products in each category set forth in Table 1 below or otherwise described on this page.

Standard Commission Structure

Important Note

A PayPal account is required to participate in the RICH Ambassador Program.  Commissions will only be payable when we receive an invoice by our deadline, otherwise you will lose your commissions earned.  From time to time, we may make changes to the referral fee rates including but not limited to 1.) Exclude certain products or categories of products from earning referral fees and/or 2.) Reduce or Increase the referral fee for specific products or categories of products. We may also run special or limited time offers or promotions under which you may earn referral fees on Products or categories of Products that were previously excluded from earning referral fees.

We may notify you about these exclusions, rate changes, special offers or promotions by updating this page or through emails, blog posts, or other means.

Copyright 2022 – Richard Dolan

